Past Pupils

All New Hanover Preparatory School Alumni are incredibly important to us and we would like to stay in contact with past pupils.

We appeal to all past pupils to forward their details to us in order for us to build a network of people who are all connected by New Hanover’s more than 160 year history. The biannual “Treu und Wahr” Newsletter is sent to old scholars to keep them informed about the news and happenings at NHP. We encourage our New Hanover family to follow us on social media (Facebook and Instagram).

We would also like to appeal to past pupils, past staff members and friends of New Hanover to alert us to news and achievements of other members of the New Hanover Family. We would appreciate a brief outline of the news (engagements, marriages, births, awards, achievements, etc.), together with a photo of the individual concerned.

Updated details and news can be sent to: