New Hanover Preparatory School is a proud member of ISASA (Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa). IQAA (Independent Quality Assurance Agency) has been appointed by ISASA to quality assure all its member schools. Our last IQAA evaluation took place in 2015 and it was evident from this evaluation that there is so much to celebrate and be proud of in our unique and very special school. Here are a few snippets from the IQAA report on New Hanover Preparatory School:
“A common element revealed in all interviews was references by the participants to their identification with, and passion for, what New Hanover Preparatory stands for and provides.” – John Mathfield, IQAA Mentor.”
“I have read the relevant documents and reports pertaining to the evaluation of New Hanover Preparatory. Collectively they portray a very, happy, vibrant and productive learning school in a unique rural environment. It is indeed remarkable to consider that the school has served its community so admirably for over one hundred and fifty years; the three farmers who founded the school way back in 1858 would surely not have envisioned the beautiful and inspiring school that is New Hanover Preparatory today!”
The principles of the Vision, Mission Statement and Core Values really seem to permeate the lives of all who comprise the school community, and they are also evident in the tone and content of this Report.
It is pleasing to note that you had an outstanding return of Opinion Surveys and on the whole very positive responses. The latter is a clear indication that the key stakeholders in the school are committed to its welfare, growth and sustainability.
Your school can feel heartened by the large summary of very significant Major Strengths in the Report, in that it reflects the core purpose of any school – the provision of quality teaching and learning. Furthermore, this is encompassed in a close, family environment in which the dedicated, competent staff display a genuine care for the well-being of the boys and girls. Although many schools may also display such wonderful attributes, sadly very few can lay claim to the Christian foundation that underpins life at New Hanover Preparatory. One hopes those that all who become part of the community embrace and respect the school’s heritage that is ‘steeped in the faith and culture of its founders.’
In conclusion I wish to congratulate New Hanover Preparatory on an outstanding evaluation. Your school offers your children a meaningful and relevant education in a beautiful and spacious context, creating for them a solid, value-based platform for their futures.” – Michael Hosty, Executive Director, IQAA.